Russian National Bibliography (UDB-BIB)

Access the most comprehensive bibliographic database in Russia

In cooperation with the Russian Book Chamber, East View has digitized the Russian national bibliographies going back to 1980 and made them searchable in the Russian National Bibliography (UDB-BIB) collection. Digitally access the most comprehensive bibliographic product of Russian works and search for citations from books, newspapers, journals, dissertation abstracts, musical scores, even maps, with a single keystroke. Effortlessly access nearly five million Russian bibliographic citations in all disciplines from over 21,000 publishers by year, author, subject, title, or any keyword. Users can search in Cyrillic or transliteration to find relevant references. A new, faceted search narrows categories to source, year, author, publisher, location, and subjects. Cross-links in metadata deliver results by subject, source, author, and more.

Russian National Bibliography

Key Stats

  • Archive: 1998-present
  • Language: Russian
  • City: Moscow
  • Country: Russia
  • Frequency: Varies
  • Updates: Continuous
  • Format: New, customized platform with searchable fields and entries
  • Producer: East View Information Services
  • Platform: East View Universal Database


With an even better, updated interface, UDB-BIB has new functionality and the following features:

  • Sortable search results by: Publication type, Year, Author, Publisher, Subject location, Subject
  • Auto suggest in search for speedy results in titles, author, and publishers
  • Faceted search for category refinements and source, year, author, publisher, location, subjects – when one source is clicked, it dynamically populates search results on screen
  • Cross-links deliver results according to subject, source, author, and more
  • Save individual records for future reference in My List
  • Export and save TXT and/or RTF for easy use in external documents
  • Exported records are converted in a format closely aligned to MLA standards
UDB-BIB Titles:

Effortlessly access nearly five million Russian bibliographic citations in all disciplines:

  • Knizhnaia letopis’ (formerly Knigi Rossii): Simply the most definitive reference guide available to Russian book publications. Also Available: The Knizhnaia letopis’ digital archive back to 1980. See below for more details.
  • Letopis’ gazetnykh statei (formerly Statii iz rossiiskikh gazet): More than 40,000 bibliographic entries on documentary materials, articles, and works of fiction from every major newspaper in Russia.
  • Letopis’ zhurnal’nykh statei (formerly Statii iz rossiiskikh zhurnalov): The complete index to Russian journals.
  • Letopis’ retsenzii (formerly Retsenzii iz rossiiskikh izdanii): A profile of book reviews (Russian and foreign) found in the central and regional Russian press.
  • Kartograficheskaia letopis’ (formerly Rossiiskie kartograficheskie izdaniia): Bibliographic information for all cartography and maps produced in Russia.
  • Letopis’ avtoreferatov dissertatsii (formerly Avtoreferaty dissertatsii): Indexes all synopses of dissertations defended in research and educational establishments in the Russian Federation.
  • Notnaia letopis’ (formerly Rossiiskie notnye izdaniia): A complete general index to Russian music-related publications.
  • Letopis’ izoizdanii (formerly Rossiiskie izoizdaniia): A bibliographic index of albums, posters and reproductions published either separately or appearing in books, collected works and magazines.

Users can subscribe to current year access to any individual title or the complete collection of titles found in UDB-BIB. Access to the backfiles for each title or to the entire UDB-BIB archive collection are available through a one-time purchase.

Also Available: Knizhnaia Letopis’ Archive

East View is pleased to announce that an additional 859,550 book records from Knizhnaia letopis’ issues dated 1980-1997 have been added to the Russian National Bibliography (UDB-BIB) collection at, bringing the total available and searchable book records to nearly 2 million.

Knizhnaia letopis’, renamed in 2015 to Knigi Rossii, is considered the most important resource to follow book publishing trends in the USSR and Russia.

Contact us for more details or to request a trial.

East View’s Universal Database™ Platform

As the largest provider of authoritative information on Russia and the former Soviet Union, East View offers an innovative approach to electronic research. We maintain redundant hosted environments for this content in Minneapolis and Moscow on our Universal Database™ platform (UDB).

Customize and Optimize Your Library
  • Build collections from individual online titles
  • Link options for Online Public Access
  • IP/password access to standard or custom collections
  • Stable URLs for linking on a database level or on individual title and article levels
  • Mirror servers in U.S. and Russia
  • Usage reports in COUNTER format
Increase Your Efficiency
  • Interface functions are optimized for specific content types
  • Browse by specific title and issue
  • Mobile friendly access
  • Easily exportable citations
  • Transliteration, Russian, Ukrainian or English language searches
  • Virtual Russian and Ukrainian keyboard displays available for ease of input

* UDB and Universal Database are international trademarks of East View Information Services, Minneapolis, MN, USA

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