
Russian online reference database

Labyrinth provides over 25,000 biographies of Russian politicians, officials, and business people. Includes descriptions and guides to all federal government bodies, administrative units of the Russian Federation, major businesses, political organizations, and federal elections at all levels. Labyrinth is a vital tool for all those who study Russian politics, providing accurate, thorough and deep reference information on a wide array of significant individuals and legal entities in the public and commercial spheres of Russia.


Key Stats

  • Language: Russian
  • Country: Russia
  • Updates: Continuous
  • Format: Full text
  • Producer: Panorama
  • Platform: Labyrinth

About Labyrinth

The Labyrinth database includes:

  • A continually growing body of more than 26,000 biographical entries of individuals from all spheres of public life, from politicians to business leaders, to journalists residing in or from the Russian Federation
  • 40,000 concise reference articles on organizations and structures of the government of the RF (all levels, from federal to local), major businesses, political parties, public organizations, and NGOs.
  • Non-governmental and international organizations operating in Russia
  • Election results, including statistical data
  • Reference books on Russian socio-political tensions in the late 1990’s
  • Chronological index of developments, such as Putin’s daily schedule from 1999 to 2005
  • Subject selections: chronicle of political terrorism and murders, chronicles of conflicts in northern Caucasus (Ossetia, Chechnya), Russia-NATO relations

Features of the Labyrinth database include:

  • Indexed by individual, organizations, and geography
  • Alphabetical and category browsing
  • Title and full-text searching
  • Advanced Boolean searches
  • Fully online
  • Continually updated
  • Articles are hyper-linked to content on related topics

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