Iranian Strategic Studies (UDB-CMESS)

Journals and books from an influential Iranian think tank

Gain unique insight into the Middle East with the Iranian Strategic Studies (UDB-CMESS) collection. This journal and e-book collection is from the Center for Scientific Research and Middle East Strategic Studies (CMESS), a think tank in Iran with focused studies and research on the various aspects of the Middle East. Founded in 1988 with branches in both Tehran and Beirut, CMESS is a major player within Iran’s nascent yet thriving political science industry. They host conferences and roundtables with international politicians, think tanks, and universities, and their main audience comprises high-level academic and policy experts in Iran. Content found in the Iranian Strategic Studies collection provide Western academics and area experts with an inside look into the concepts and language that predominate high-level policy and academic discourse in Iran. This easy-to-use online collection offers full-text searching and comprehensive tables of contents, with articles viewable in full-image PDF.

Iranian Strategic Studies

Key Stats

  • Archive: 1991-2017
  • Language: Arabic, Persian, English
  • Cities: Beirut, Tehran
  • Countries: Iran, Lebanon
  • Frequency: Varies
  • Format: PDF, article-based
  • Producer: East View Information Services
  • Platform: East View Universal Database


Titles in the Iranian Strategic Studies collection include:

Regional Studies Quarterly: Israel-America Studies فصلنامه مطالعات منطقه ای اسراييل شناسی–آمريکا شناسی Fasḷ nā mah-i mutạ̄ laʻā t-i mintạ qahʹı̄ -i Isrā yı̄ lʹshinā sı̄ Ā mrı̄ kā ʹshinā sı̄

Studies on Israel-US focuses solely on geopolitical and social analysis of the United States and Israel, reflecting the major influences of these two countries on Iranian political consciousness and analysis. On the US side topics include dependence on Middle Eastern oil; American political parties and society; NATO and the Middle East; and US-Chinese relations, among other topics. The Israeli analysis, although equally treated in the quantity of articles, is overwhelmingly focused on defense, military, and national security strategy. Content from February 2000. (In Persian, with table of contents and some abstracts in English)

Middle East Studies Quarterly فصلنامه مطالعات خاورميانه Fasḷ nā mah-i mutạ̄ laʻā t-i khā var-i miyā nah

Middle East Studies Quarterly covers a range of topics that form the core of Iranian political science academic discourse: The role of the Persian Gulf in regional security and stability; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the history and growth of Islamic civilization in the Middle East; Iranian and regional economic development; perspectives on North Africa including Egypt and Algeria; Central Asia and the Caucuses; the effects of UN and IAEA resolutions on Iran; and the United States and its foreign policy. Includes summaries of roundtables and conference proceedings as well as book reviews. Content from August 1994. (In Persian with table of contents and abstracts in English)

Iranian-Arab Affairs Quarterly فصلية ايران والعرب Fasḷ ı̄ yat Ī rā n wa-al-ʻArab

A quarterly journal with the aim of finding “common ground” between the Arab world and Iran. Containing an equal mix of articles between Iranian and Arab academics, both hard and soft geopolitical and cultural topics are covered including Persian poetry, morphology, syntax, and grammar; ancient and contemporary Iranian history; Iranian foreign policy; oil and gas; and Iranian and Islamic civilization. Articles are supplemented by interviews with Iranian political figures and book reviews. Content from May 2002. (In Arabic with table of contents in Arabic, Persian and English)

Middle East Affairs شؤون الأوسط Shuʼū n al-Awsat ̣

Originally published monthly, this now bi-annual journal offers academic perspectives on the politics, economic development, and societies of the Middle East, with articles from Arab, Iranian, and Western academics (the latter two published in translation) among others. Content from April 1991. (In Arabic, with table of contents in English)

Discourse: An Iranian Quarterly

Discourse, in a summary outlined in its inaugural issue from 1999, is intended to fill a “conceptual gap” between the realities and lived experiences of Iranian society, and how analysts and observers outside Iran view the country. Seeking primarily to influence external perceptions of Iran, in addition to academic articles and book reviews, each issue of Discourse ends with a current summary of happenings in Iranian culture, economy, politics, sports, women, art, among other topics. Content from August 1999. (In English)


To date, the database delivers 31 e-books published by CMESS, which are focused on a variety of topics. Published from 1992, topics cover Arab-Israel conflicts, Egyptian political crisis, United States in the Middle East, secular and religious societies in Turkey, issues in the Persian Gulf, the Islamic awakening, after the Cold War and security issues, political parties in Iraq, water and the environment in the region, and more.

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